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Let Us Help You Make Your Dream Home!

June 1, 2017 • General News

Spring and summer often mean places to go, people to see, and things to do. So whether you're ready to start a remodeling the kitchen, building a shop or paying for a well-earned summer vacation, a home equity line-of-credit from Spokane Federal provides the flexibility you need.

Home equity loans come with both fixed and variable rates, depending on your needs. We're always trying our best to offer products and services that fit YOUR lifestyle. 

Because your home equity loan is a line-of-credit, you can use it over and over again as you pay down the balance. And a line-of-credit may have tax advantages, too. To learn more, talk with a Spokane Federal Loan Officer, or complete our simple online application! 

Click here to learn more and/or apply online! 

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